About me

Books. Stories. My one and only true addiction. Ever since I mastered reading as a child I devoured them. Not literally of course. Regular library runs were part of my young life, taking whatever I could get my grubby little hands on. I brought the books home and started reading instantly, usually in the loo. I loved to read in bed, before shuteye, and still do. This might seem a rather weird introduction but it all becomes clear in Part One, I promise!

Twelve years ago I started writing a children’s fantasy book. Due to circumstances the creative process came to a screeching halt. Why? Yeah, not giving that away just yet. It’s all in Part Two.

However, three years ago the writing bug hit me again, hard and inescapable. Result: the story of my life in three parts: Naughty Naughty. Yep, that’s me.

Apparently, I am an odd one. No Social Media and no smartphone. I don’t want a phone that’s smarter than me. Let my little grey cells do their job properly so they won’t gather dust. A dusty brain does not encourage the creative process. And over the last few years I’ve become a true addict: to writing.